Dreams and Dreams
I just had a dream which, unfortunately, is something that I can see happening to me in real life...
In this dream, two people I used to work with, were going through a divorce. (side note: these two folks are people I used to work with, but were never married to each other). The guy (let's call him "G"), was (even in real life) a nominal friend, while the woman (also in real life) had some...issues (for that matter, so did the guy, but of a different, less problematic, nature). Let's call her "M".
They had both moved out of their house (which was in the guy's name), and he had asked me to keep an eye on it for him. In the dream, as I was driving by said house, I noticed that M was at the front door, attempting to get in. I let G know, and went on my way.
Next scene: I'm now in court, responding to a statement from M that I wasn't mentally stable or some such, and then the judge decided that I needed to "prove" that I was fine (In real life, I have had some issues with depression in the past).
Next scene, I'm back in the courthouse trying to prove to the judge that I am/was fine, to the point where I had copies of documentation from appointments years past, and an appointment I had just set up, to get the "proof" she was demanding. Apparently, however, this wasn't sufficient, and she was now considering committing ME to a 72-hour hold.
Which is when I woke up.
There are people in my life who've been in the mental health system, and I've seen that once you're "in" it's nearly impossible to get "out". Which is absolutely terrifying to me. The fact that there were people in my life like "M", and that I could envision this scenario actually happening, makes things even worse.
No wonder I woke up. 🙄