Amateur Radio Extra Class License (or Ham Radio for Geeks)

Update: Woo!  I passed the test, and on 12/6/2021 (my brother's birthday) I received the modification to my license for Extra Class!!!

I first received my Amateur Radio license from the FCC back in 1988, when I successfully completed the exam (written and Morse code) for the Novice Class license.  Shortly thereafter, I received my Technician Plus license.  A few years later, and wanting to get more HF privileges than the Tech+ license allowed (and the fact that the FCC dropped the 13 word per minute Morse code requirement), I completed the General Class license exam.

And there I sat.  Until now.

I recently decided that I wanted to at least attempt to get my Extra Class license.  I began studying (mostly haphazardly) for the exam, but because of the COVID-19 pandemic, in-person testing stopped, and it took some time before the FCC would allow online testing.  During that interval, I mostly stopped studying.  Also during that time span, the questions for the exam changed.

Recently, it was announced that the Nashua Area Radio Society was holding a 3-day online "boot camp" class, which would include the exam at the end.  This class uses a popular study guide, and has a pre-study homework component.  Because of my work schedule (1300-0200 six nights per week), it's been hard to do that studying; what I did manage to get through was mostly gibberish to me.  I'm not feeling very good about my chances; to quote a friend of mine, "confidence is low".

The class starts in about 10 hours, and runs for 10 hours on each of the three days.

My brain is already hurting.  


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